Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The joy of posters

I'm going to own real art someday. But as long as I live in substandard college housing where I can't nail anything into the wall, posters will have to do.
I'm currently in the 'cheap posters from that booth on move-in day' stage:

Chat Noir poster, with life imitating art. Yes, my wall is striped, but the colors are more saturated.
But I want to move on to bigger and better things.

Hail Minnesota from Aesthetic Apparatus. In Minnesota Twins Red and White, so I can further pretend to care about sports. 25 dolla.
Aesthetic Apparatus also has some pretty sweet test prints, if grungy overspray mish-mash is your thing.

Eventual goal is to get an original Shag. Of course the one I really wanted to get sold out. It would have been $150. Curses.

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